I’m an artist . . . but that’s not saying much, because I believe, and it is something that I have devoted my time heavily to convey, that art expression is an inherent property of human nature. The media may vary, but not the innate disposition.

Those that know me have heard my “talent-as-myth” diatribe all too often, and if you end up tuning in to my posts, you will encounter it soon enough. It is my goal to change the notion, which a great number of people resign to, that one needs to have “talent” to pursue the art they feel or want and am doing this on a daily basis through my program in the G+ Mentorship Program for Photographers.

With that as preface, I will probably devote a portion of my posts to inspiring artists, but I also plan to impart other conceptions that I have about life in general, with the goal of elevating, encouraging, enlivening or energizing those who read them.

Let me begin with this:

I wish for you the ability to create for yourself all that your heart desires.


➡️ fill out this form, if you’re interested in the new home for “G+ Mentorship Program for Photographers”

➡️ fill out this form, if you’re interested in keeping in touch or getting mentored by Robin

You can begin by watching "The Myth of Talent" here:

"The Myth of Talent" by Robin Griggs Wood

Robin Griggs Wood •artist•(@robingriggswood)'s Instagram



Downtown Manhattan, cruising along the Upper Bay.

Downtown Manhattan, cruising along the Upper Bay.

I've missed everyone! ... watcha been up to?

#rgwpost #rgwoodpost #googleplusphotos #newyorkminute #ilovenyc #manhattan #nyc #newyork #photography #landscapephotography #travel #newyorkskyline


I'm sticking around until the "G+ is gone" error message appears on my profile page ... ;oD. But, since a lot of folks are pulling up stakes and moving on already, I thought I'd pop my other spaces in here.
I'm going to miss so many folks!


  1. Robin Griggs Wood, this is such a stunner! i love that sky and the sizing of this! so gorgeous

  2. This is some #awesomesauce Robin Griggs Wood - wonderful capture!

  3. Robin Griggs Wood Outstanding work, dear Robin! :-)

  4. Fantastic cityscape! I'm playing mindless video games in my pajamas, mostly while I recover - slowly - from pneumonia ... and barely picking up my camera because it seems so heavy in my current state.

  5. Cynthia Pyun -- thank you so much!
    Gernot Glaeser -- thank you, kindly, my friend!
    Jasbir S. Randhawa -- thank you very much, my friend!
    Pat Kight -- thank you, dear! ... I'm so sorry that you've been sick! I hate that feeling, where you don't feel up to doing anything (or what you can do is not what you want to do ... ;o/) I hope you feel better soon!

  6. Wow this is absolutely wonderful Robin Griggs Wood !

  7. Oh my gracious! This is a magnificent beauty!!
    Miss you too sugums! Life has been full for me. Just a mixture of life stuff... How about you? πŸ’πŸŒ΄πŸ˜˜⭐πŸπŸƒ✌

  8. Beautiful Robin Griggs Wood, and I miss you as well. πŸ€—πŸ’πŸ’«I’ve been playing with the autumn colours. πŸπŸŒΎπŸ‚

  9. What a wonderful view and great capture my friend!

  10. Gorgeous! Been here. Looking at other options but not hurrying to leave. :-)

  11. Robin Griggs Wood still pottering, wondering which part of cyberspace to make a home in as well as looking out for obliging seagulls.

  12. Donna McClure -- thank you ... :o)
    Patricia dos Santos Paton -- thank you, dear!
    Marilyn Benham -- thank you, dear ... :o). Full is good ... :o). Me too ... lots of full ... ;oD

  13. Jennifer Walton -- thank you, dear ... and ♥ to you! Autumn colors... yum! I was hoping to have some back East, but alas, too early for that.
    Maria Rosalinda De Los Santos -- thank you
    camilla de vivenot -- thank you
    Erika Vees -- thank you!

  14. Andreas Levi -- thank you, kindly, my friend!
    Shelly Gunderson -- thank you! Yes, no hurry to leave for me either!
    John Wade -- wherever we go, I hope it's all together. Must start the seagullbutt madness elsewhere and make them wonder what hit them! ... ;oD

  15. This picture is, as usual, Awesome πŸ˜ŽπŸ€©πŸ‘ Robin Griggs Wood

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