I’m an artist . . . but that’s not saying much, because I believe, and it is something that I have devoted my time heavily to convey, that art expression is an inherent property of human nature. The media may vary, but not the innate disposition.

Those that know me have heard my “talent-as-myth” diatribe all too often, and if you end up tuning in to my posts, you will encounter it soon enough. It is my goal to change the notion, which a great number of people resign to, that one needs to have “talent” to pursue the art they feel or want and am doing this on a daily basis through my program in the G+ Mentorship Program for Photographers.

With that as preface, I will probably devote a portion of my posts to inspiring artists, but I also plan to impart other conceptions that I have about life in general, with the goal of elevating, encouraging, enlivening or energizing those who read them.

Let me begin with this:

I wish for you the ability to create for yourself all that your heart desires.


➡️ fill out this form, if you’re interested in the new home for “G+ Mentorship Program for Photographers”

➡️ fill out this form, if you’re interested in keeping in touch or getting mentored by Robin

You can begin by watching "The Myth of Talent" here:

"The Myth of Talent" by Robin Griggs Wood

Robin Griggs Wood •artist•(@robingriggswood)'s Instagram



▶▶▶ NOT MY IMAGE ◀◀◀

▶▶▶ NOT MY IMAGE ◀◀◀


Sometimes I am overwhelmed by the words of my own Apprentices. Below, find +CBressanPhoto's amazing results and praise.
The Arcanum is more than just learning; it is understanding what is inside of the creation process. You can unlock yours!
I have a few spots open. Contact me directly in this post, if you are interested in rising rapidly to your next higher ground. (At the site, you'll be auto-matched to another Master, so contact me directly, if you want me as a Master.)

Celso's journey:
"This Journey had led me to understand what is Art and unlocked hidden perceptions in me. It helped me to comprehend what I needed to do in order to walk the new Journey through inspiration and externalizing the subtle feelings of my soul, feelings that were dormant but always present and I didn't know they would exist.

"I can definitely say that The Arcanum is far more than just learning better Photography; is far more than just practicing to adjust the controls of a camera and post-processing a picture; it's, actually, to understand what is inside of the creation process and to recognize how to feel, with my heart, this creativity.

"Thank you, Robin Griggs Wood for leading me through this process to find myself within the realms of Art!

"Thank you, The Arcanum, for opening the doors for people like me to break the chains that were anchoring me on the ground of the crude emotions!

"Whether I am going to produce master pieces of art, this is not relevant; what is relevant is that I learned to see and to feel the way to go there. What I am going to do next, it is up to me because now I can walk on my own!"
~ Celso Bressan

See more of Celso's beautiful works and more at www.celsobressan.com.

To find out more about the Arcanum, visit http://www.thearcanum.com/. (At the site, you'll be auto-matched to another Master, so contact me directly in this post, if you want me as a Master.)
