I’m an artist . . . but that’s not saying much, because I believe, and it is something that I have devoted my time heavily to convey, that art expression is an inherent property of human nature. The media may vary, but not the innate disposition.

Those that know me have heard my “talent-as-myth” diatribe all too often, and if you end up tuning in to my posts, you will encounter it soon enough. It is my goal to change the notion, which a great number of people resign to, that one needs to have “talent” to pursue the art they feel or want and am doing this on a daily basis through my program in the G+ Mentorship Program for Photographers.

With that as preface, I will probably devote a portion of my posts to inspiring artists, but I also plan to impart other conceptions that I have about life in general, with the goal of elevating, encouraging, enlivening or energizing those who read them.

Let me begin with this:

I wish for you the ability to create for yourself all that your heart desires.


➡️ fill out this form, if you’re interested in the new home for “G+ Mentorship Program for Photographers”

➡️ fill out this form, if you’re interested in keeping in touch or getting mentored by Robin

You can begin by watching "The Myth of Talent" here:

"The Myth of Talent" by Robin Griggs Wood

Robin Griggs Wood •artist•(@robingriggswood)'s Instagram



I hope you all are having a sublime weekend.

I hope you all are having a sublime weekend.
For myself, I need to go out and shoot something ... ;o)

#rgwoodpost #photography #googleplusphotos #LandscapePhotography #hqsplandscape #BTPLandscapePro #California #SunsetPhotography #Sunset #Travel #TravelPhotography #Sky #SunsetSaturday #SilhouetteSaturday #Malibu #Coast

Sunrise/Moonset at the "Valley of Fire", Nevada

Sunrise/Moonset at the "Valley of Fire", Nevada

#tgsmu   #tgsmu2015

#LandscapePhotography with thanks to Margaret Tompkins Jim Warthman Toshi Nakamura and Landscape Photography

#rgwoodpost #photography #googleplusphotos #hqsplandscape #BTPLandscapePro #Nevada #SunrisePhotography #Sunrise #Travel #TravelPhotography

For Elizabeth Hahn, because I don't have an extra computer to give you,but I have a baby cow pic and can try to give you a smile ... :o)

For Elizabeth Hahn, because I don't have an extra computer to give you, but I have a baby cow pic and can try to give you a smile ... :o)

For #CowWednesday  which is #NotReallyATheme #ButElizabethWouldProbablyLikeItIfThereWas #EveryDayIsCowDay
#moo   #babycow   #calf
#rgwoodpost #photography #googleplusphotos

Playing with editing, for #CamelTuesday .

Playing with editing, for #CamelTuesday .

(just kidding ... there is no "Camel Tuesday" ... but if there were, I'd say "happy Camel Tuesday" to you! ... ;o)))

#rgwoodpost #photography #googleplusphotos #digitalart #fantasyart #surrealart #painting #digitalpainting #photoshop #photomanipulation #hqspanimals   #btpanimalpro

Sorry to miss last Saturday's seagullbutt-shenanigans; I was busy

Sorry to miss last Saturday's seagullbutt-shenanigans; I was busy
Getting My Ducks In A Row

Tell me you saw that one coming .... ;o7

Happy #SeagullButtSaturday .

#TheresAlwaysAtLeastOneGuyWhosGottaSay    #ThoseArentSeagulls   #ThoseAreDucks

If you've made it this far, please know that there is NO such photography theme as #SeagullButtSaturday. The following people, sometimes posting to the #FunniestNonthemeOnGplus, are actually the #FunniestNonCuratorsOnGplus.

Robin Griggs Wood Ursula Klepper Christin McLeod Sassi Sassmannshausen Lauri Novak Richard Ball Craig Szymanski Melissa Beagle Ellie Kennard Cora Triton Steve Savoie Pam Wolfe +Joy Mum Jon Cassill Tom McGowan Annie Irving Diana Boyd Debby Moran Alex Lapidus Lou McCorkle Rob Lopes Kimmetal Smith Bette Kauffman Liz C Jacqueline Hodsdon Darion Jackman Steven Kennard Sharon Stone Dawn Siadatan Sumit Sen Jasbir S. Randhawa Gazzaroonii T. John Wade Dave Bell Swee Oh Leo Deegan Nancy Battis Vita Patrick Kelly Marilyn Benham Mari Luukkonen Lora Lee Chapman Giselle Savoie Carin Bruce David Q. Cohen Gernot Glaeser Maureen Roberson Brian Grzelewski cobalt please Darcee McCutcheon Annelies Jansen Rachel Ferris Margaret Tompkins Jan Vermeulen Christi Nielsen

Real themes:
#birds4all curated by Walter Soestbergen Ricky L Jones & Birds4All
#birdloversandwildlife curated by Robert SKREINER  BIRD Lovers & WILDLIFE
#birdsgallery with thanks to Heinrich Wagner

Must-have hashtags (for hackling the hashtag-haters … ;o))
#SeagullButtSaturday (duh!)
#SeagullButtsInDisguise (for other birds; a fine way to use up all those bird shots you took that are "not quite what you were shooting for" and currently languishing on your hard drive.)
#Gulluminati (what the group of non-curators have come to be known as)
#FunniestNonthemeOnGplus (because, isn't it?! … ;oD)
#Splatterday (Jasbir's invention, applicable for, ahem, some conditional shots … ;o7)

#rgwoodpost #Gulluminati #Gullarazzi #FunniestNonthemeOnGplus
#googleplusphotos #hqspbirds #birdsgallery #hqsplandscape

A Southern Bald Ibis

A Southern Bald Ibis
.... who is thinking that it is a very good day to be Southern, bald and an Ibis ... ;o)

#birds4all curated by Walter Soestbergen Ricky L Jones & Birds4All
#birdloversandwildlife curated by Robert SKREINER  BIRD Lovers & WILDLIFE
#birdsgallery with thanks to Heinrich Wagner
#rgwoodpost #googleplusphotos #hqspbirds

"Searching For Context"

"Searching For Context"

Composite by Robin Griggs Wood

Admittedly, a lot of my works are based merely on play ... playing with light, color and mood; some of my most favorite things to see in imagery.

I hope that your week allows you a bit of time to play with whatever your most favorite is, too ... :o)

This image available for print:

Please feel free to ask me,
if you would like any of my images
available for print at robingriggswood.com

If you would like to view my albums here at G+ go to
––> https://plus.google.com/photos/+RobinGriggsWood/albums

#rgwoodpost #photography #googleplusphotos #SunsetPhotography #Sunset #inspiration #digitalart #fantasyart #surrealart #painting
#digitalart #digitalpainting #photoshop #photomanipulation #fineart #fineartpls   #conceptart
#photomanipulator #photomanipulation #artdesign #designs #fantasy #fantasyart #fantasydigitalart #digital #photoshop #creative

The Bunch of the Best

The Bunch of the Best

I didn't want to be presumptuous and call it the "best of the bunch" ... .
Wishing you all a bunchy-best weekend!

#FloralFriday with thanks to Tamara Pruessner Eustace James Beth Akerman Kiki Nelson and FloralFriday
#rgwoodpost #photography #googleplusphotos #Friday #TGIF #naturephotography  #FlowerFriday  #flowerphotography #floralphotography #hqspflowers



#WaterbirdWednesday with thanks to  Margaret Tompkins and Water Bird Wednesday
#birds4all curated by Walter Soestbergen Ricky L Jones & Birds4All
#birdloversandwildlife curated by Robert SKREINER  BIRD Lovers & WILDLIFE
#birdsgallery  with thanks to Heinrich Wagner
#rgwoodpost #photography #googleplusphotos #hqspbirds

Is it possible to take a picture of the mountain while you are ON themountain? ... ;o7

Is it possible to take a picture of the mountain while you are ON the mountain? ... ;o7

#MountainMonday  with thanks to Michael Russell and Mountain Monday
#LandscapePhotography with thanks to Margaret Tompkins Jim Warthman Toshi Nakamura and Landscape Photography
#rgwoodpost #photography #googleplusphotos #hqsplandscape #BTPLandscapePro #Nevada #Travel #TravelPhotography #Sky
#tgsmu   #tgsmu2015

The Unbearable Lightness of Being

The Unbearable Lightness of Being
... a #SeagullButt on a Saturday ... ;o7

If you've made it this far, please know that there is NO such photography theme as #SeagullButtSaturday. The following people, sometimes posting to the #FunniestNonthemeOnGplus, are actually the #FunniestNonCuratorsOnGplus.

Robin Griggs Wood Ursula Klepper Christin McLeod Sassi Sassmannshausen Lauri Novak Richard Ball Craig Szymanski Melissa Beagle Ellie Kennard Cora Triton Steve Savoie Pam Wolfe +Joy Mum Jon Cassill Tom McGowan Annie Irving Diana Boyd Debby Moran Alex Lapidus Lou McCorkle Rob Lopes Kimmetal Smith Bette Kauffman Liz C Jacqueline Hodsdon Darion Jackman Steven Kennard Sharon Stone Dawn Siadatan Sumit Sen Jasbir S. Randhawa Gazzaroonii T. John Wade Dave Bell Swee Oh Leo Deegan Nancy Battis Vita Patrick Kelly Marilyn Benham Mari Luukkonen Lora Lee Chapman Giselle Savoie Carin Bruce David Q. Cohen Gernot Glaeser Maureen Roberson Brian Grzelewski cobalt please Darcee McCutcheon Annelies Jansen Rachel Ferris Margaret Tompkins Jan Vermeulen Christi Nielsen

Real themes:
#birds4all curated by Walter Soestbergen Ricky L Jones & Birds4All
#birdloversandwildlife curated by Robert SKREINER  BIRD Lovers & WILDLIFE
#birdsgallery  with thanks to Heinrich Wagner
#SunsetSaturday with thanks to Dennis Hoffbuhr
#LandscapePhotography with thanks to Margaret Tompkins Jim Warthman Toshi Nakamura and Landscape Photography

Must-have hashtags (for hackling the hashtag-haters … ;o))
#SeagullButtSaturday (duh!)
#SeagullButtsInDisguise (for other birds; a fine way to use up all those bird shots you took that are "not quite what you were shooting for" and currently languishing on your hard drive.)
#Gulluminati (what the group of non-curators have come to be known as)
#FunniestNonthemeOnGplus (because, isn't it?! … ;oD)
#Splatterday (Jasbir's invention, applicable for, ahem, some conditional shots … ;o7)

#rgwoodpost #Gulluminati #Gullarazzi #FunniestNonthemeOnGplus
#googleplusphotos #hqspbirds #birdsgallery #hqsplandscape

Ah, California

Ah, California

A couple of trailer travelers enjoying their hard-earned time on the coast.
I love vignettes like this; and I was momentarily wishful of having the time to simply travel my land with this level of leisure.

#ThirstyThursdayPics with thanks to  Giuseppe Basile & Mark Esguerra #thirstythursday
#CoastalThursday with thanks to David Polzine Jon Kahn Coastal Thursday
#LandscapePhotography with thanks to Margaret Tompkins Jim Warthman Toshi Nakamura and Landscape Photography

#rgwoodpost #photography #googleplusphotos #hqsplandscape #BTPLandscapePro #California #SunsetPhotography #Sunset #Travel #TravelPhotography #Sky #Beach

Anyone needing a dose of #CuteOverload ?

Anyone needing a dose of  #CuteOverload ?
Baby meerkats might do it for you ... ;o))

(Hanging out with Laurie Rubin, Sassi Sassmannshausen and Erika Thornes ... ;o))

#rgwoodpost #photography #googleplusphotos   #meerkat #suricate   #wholewildlifeweek   #wildlifewednesday #wildlifephotography #meerkats #erdmännchen   #MeerkatFamily
#hqspnaturephotography  #hqspanimals

I was wondering why I took this shot the other day ... O_o

I was wondering why I took this shot the other day ... O_o
Macro Monday's mini-theme today is "loopy" ... yeah!
It was either this, or take a selfy ... ;oD

#MacroMonday (sub-theme: Loopy) with thanks to Sandra Parlow & Jeff Moreau and new-to-the-crew Wendy Baker and Julie B

#macroaddict (MacroAddict) with thanks to Sandrine Berjonneau  Jean-Pierre Malézieux Christian PR Ruth Hochholdinger and William Banik

#rgwoodpost #photography #googleplusphotos #naturephotography #macrophotography #hqspmacro #MacroAddicts #MacroManiacs #Macro4All



Aviarus Raticus began his humble origins as a lowly courtyard muffin-crumb picker; under the shadows of the courtyard trees, tables and chairs; between the shadows of the courtyard diner's ankles; barely missing the menacing and quick shadows of the small diners and those barking, furry, snapping creatures they called "Fluffy", "Sweetums", and "Mommy's Wittow Pwecious".

He was ...
Just. Like. Everyone. Else.

No one knows what made him move from the safety of the shadows that day. Perhaps it was one too many snappings from "Mommy's Wittow Pwecious", but move he did and landed atop the courtyard fountain. It was like a veil of perpetual darkness and fear had been lifted  from him, as he perched there, bejeweled by the flickering reflections of the sun embraced fountain. He felt strong and free; the master of all he surveyed.

In awe, his fellow lowly courtyard muffin-crumb pickers gazed up at him, resplendent upon his glittering throne. "Epicus" they named him that day; the High Caesar of the "Bonny Hills Vacation Villa Food Courtyard".

And he lived happily ever after.

If you've made it this far, please know that there is NO such photography theme as #SeagullButtSaturday. The following people, sometimes posting to the #FunniestNonthemeOnGplus, are actually the #FunniestNonCuratorsOnGplus.

Robin Griggs Wood Ursula Klepper Christin McLeod Sassi Sassmannshausen Lauri Novak Richard Ball Craig Szymanski Melissa Beagle Ellie Kennard Cora Triton Steve Savoie Pam Wolfe +Joy Mum Jon Cassill Tom McGowan Annie Irving Diana Boyd Debby Moran Alex Lapidus Lou McCorkle Rob Lopes Kimmetal Smith Bette Kauffman Liz C Jacqueline Hodsdon Darion Jackman Steven Kennard Sharon Stone Dawn Siadatan Sumit Sen Jasbir S. Randhawa Gazzaroonii T. John Wade Dave Bell Swee Oh Leo Deegan Nancy Battis Vita Patrick Kelly Marilyn Benham Mari Luukkonen Lora Lee Chapman Giselle Savoie Carin Bruce David Q. Cohen Gernot Glaeser Maureen Roberson Brian Grzelewski cobalt please Darcee McCutcheon Annelies Jansen Rachel Ferris Margaret Tompkins Jan Vermeulen Christi Nielsen

Must-have hashtags (for hackling the hashtag-haters … ;o))
#SeagullButtSaturday (duh!)
#SeagullButtsInDisguise (for other birds; a fine way to use up all those bird shots you took that are "not quite what you were shooting for" and currently languishing on your hard drive.)
#Gulluminati (what the group of non-curators have come to be known as)
#FunniestNonthemeOnGplus (because, isn't it?! … ;oD)
#Splatterday (Jasbir's invention, applicable for, ahem, some conditional shots … ;o7)

#rgwoodpost #Gulluminati #Gullarazzi #FunniestNonthemeOnGplus
#googleplusphotos #hqspbirds #birdsgallery #hqsplandscape



Something that I've been working on for a while. I'd get a bit done on it and then have to go work, get a bit more done, etc. I finally just made myself get it to some sort of completion. Is it done? ... probably never ... ;o7

#firstfridayartwalk #rgwoodpost #mixedmediaartwork #digitalart #fineart #fineartpls #TGIF #digitalpainting #digital #colors #inspiration #creative #fantasy #surreal #surrealism #concept #conceptart #conceptual #digitalmattepainting #painting #composite

This image available for print at robingriggswood.com
––> http://www.robingriggswood.com/buy/38075446_CPsjbP/4028543476_hQf6Q4C/

If you would like to view my albums here at G+ go to
––> https://plus.google.com/photos/+RobinGriggsWood/albums