I’m an artist . . . but that’s not saying much, because I believe, and it is something that I have devoted my time heavily to convey, that art expression is an inherent property of human nature. The media may vary, but not the innate disposition.

Those that know me have heard my “talent-as-myth” diatribe all too often, and if you end up tuning in to my posts, you will encounter it soon enough. It is my goal to change the notion, which a great number of people resign to, that one needs to have “talent” to pursue the art they feel or want and am doing this on a daily basis through my program in the G+ Mentorship Program for Photographers.

With that as preface, I will probably devote a portion of my posts to inspiring artists, but I also plan to impart other conceptions that I have about life in general, with the goal of elevating, encouraging, enlivening or energizing those who read them.

Let me begin with this:

I wish for you the ability to create for yourself all that your heart desires.


➡️ fill out this form, if you’re interested in the new home for “G+ Mentorship Program for Photographers”

➡️ fill out this form, if you’re interested in keeping in touch or getting mentored by Robin

You can begin by watching "The Myth of Talent" here:

"The Myth of Talent" by Robin Griggs Wood

Robin Griggs Wood •artist•(@robingriggswood)'s Instagram



Goodbye, Google+

Goodbye, Google+
Goodbye to 1.6 million followers on my works Collection
Goodbye to all the actual people that followed me, my real G+ friends
Goodbye to one of the best social networks there has ever been.

This is what heartbreak looks like.

Yes, I know “they” said it was a ghost town, but only those who really used it understood it’s value and knew that the “ghosts” that inhabited its halls were more alive, more communicative and more interesting in the venue that was G+ because it encouraged a deeper level of thinking, expressing, connecting and sharing.
I planted this tree during the early G+ beta; back when you could only get in by invite.
I watched it grow large, with luscious branches and leaves… and the fruit, oh the fruit was so sweet: 
• My “G+ Mentorship Program for Photographers”, where we gave our hearts away for free, just for the opportunity to elevate each other.
• The “Photography Scavenger Hunt” begun by ChrystaRae, which became the inception point of many of my, now, real-life relationships.
• The myriad photography themes that connected us in a web of wonder, beauty, poignancy and hilarity.
Now, as I watch it burn away, the brightness reveals the energy it contained.
All the roads I built towards it are burning away, too, but those roads lead outward as well.

You can find me at
🌎 https://www.robingriggswood.com/  
🔷 https://www.flickr.com/photos/robingriggswood/
💠 http://www.linkedin.com/in/robingriggswood
🏙 https://500px.com/robingriggswood
➡️ https://forms.gle/Da5K6e13ngPY2bV8A (fill out the form, if you’re interested in the new home for “G+ Mentorship Program for Photographers”)
➡️ https://forms.gle/g7qzqfEdwpWUZ5xj7 (fill out the form, if you’re interested in keeping in touch or getting mentored by Robin)

#TheGoodOldDaysofGplus  use that and share your good times on G+ 'til this place melts down!

I laughed all the way through creating this one. Google+ was Photography Theme postin' heaven. There was always that niggling doubt as to whether or not the themes curators really liked your image, or they were just saying to be nice. So, I made this parody on cult classic "Clerks" ... ;oD. 
Except that +Mark Rodriguez, +Isabelle Fortin, +Chrysta Rae and Shane Holsclaw were always nice ... ;o)

#MovieMashupTuesday #rgwoodpost #photography #googleplusphotos

Curators ... just because they "plus" you, doesn't mean they like you.

OK, this is the only time I'll notify the Mashup crowd, but this is my very first #MovieMashupTuesday !

I had always wanted to do the curators in a mashup, finding time was the dickens! But I promised Isabelle I would give it a go. Here you go, Isabelle––based on the movie poster for "Clerks" (I hope no one has used it yet, I searched!): https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiACadfUtA5TZ92knrP9du1FGSihaIr9xijdS8bKN2Qf22VCL0jCiu9N4l_Yib5uwNx-TRlsSnw96PqyunfDp3GQSsKJOPTB1Po78va9jFVIuOQhCw1S51qqKCFaZISFTQ-FBTd_FpZX_I/s1600/clerks-movie-poster.jpg

Starring +Mark Rodriguez +Isabelle Fortin +Chrysta Rae and +shane holsclaw

I also decided to leave +Kevin Smith in there (but updated him), because he is movie genius––and I think he would make a great curator! haha!

I especially liked the original "Clerks" tagline––which fit rather well, with minor alteration, to the Google+/Facebook thing … ;oD

+Movie Mashup Tuesday with thanks to (and kind indulgence from) +shane holsclaw +Chrysta Rae +Isabelle Fortin and +Mark Rodriguez