I’m an artist . . . but that’s not saying much, because I believe, and it is something that I have devoted my time heavily to convey, that art expression is an inherent property of human nature. The media may vary, but not the innate disposition.

Those that know me have heard my “talent-as-myth” diatribe all too often, and if you end up tuning in to my posts, you will encounter it soon enough. It is my goal to change the notion, which a great number of people resign to, that one needs to have “talent” to pursue the art they feel or want and am doing this on a daily basis through my program in the G+ Mentorship Program for Photographers.

With that as preface, I will probably devote a portion of my posts to inspiring artists, but I also plan to impart other conceptions that I have about life in general, with the goal of elevating, encouraging, enlivening or energizing those who read them.

Let me begin with this:

I wish for you the ability to create for yourself all that your heart desires.


➡️ fill out this form, if you’re interested in the new home for “G+ Mentorship Program for Photographers”

➡️ fill out this form, if you’re interested in keeping in touch or getting mentored by Robin

You can begin by watching "The Myth of Talent" here:

"The Myth of Talent" by Robin Griggs Wood

Robin Griggs Wood •artist•(@robingriggswood)'s Instagram





My boyfriend talked me into playing with one of his older 500mm lenses. It's not the sharpest lens––and it's entirely manual––but, ooooh, what a pretty bokeh it has!!

I'm going to make a concerted effort this weekend to get to all my #bokeliciousbuddies posts .... I've been so busy and unforgivably remiss in the past weeks.
#FridaysAreBokehlicious  :o) … ˚ºoOoº˚
With a nod and grin to those sundry #bokehlicious #bokeholics (that may rival the non-curator list of a certain non-theme! … ;o7)
Leo Deegan Art through the Aperture Photography Sean McLean Shelly Corbett Betty Habesch Kal Pant Elizabeth Hahn Michael B. Stuart Paul Moody Toshinori ABE Winnie Young Graham Knights Keith Elliott Jacek N. Kozioł Jasbir S. Randhawa Darion Jackman John Balboni April L Hill Shannon Adelson Dylan Johnson Shelly Gunderson Robin Griggs Wood Kathleen Kent Angie Smith John Getchel Uwe Duwe Magdalena MadZ Wendy Baker Dawn Siadatan wolly wolly Berit Schurse Tom Tran Eve Aebi Isabelle Fortin Cooksterz Littlefield Chris Draper Wendy Verboom Janice LaMere cobalt please Saji Saju Rosie Nixon Joseph Cowlishaw Marilou Aballe

#rgwoodpost #photography #googleplusphotos
Please feel free to ask me, if you would like any of my images
available for print, or visit me at

#Friday #TGIF #naturephotography #FloralFriday #FlowerFriday #flowerphotography #floralphotography #hqspflowers #btpflowerpro BTP Flower Pro

I often wonder why birds run ...

I often wonder why birds run ...
... when they can, you know, fly. ... ;o7

I meant to post this for #SeagullButtSaturday this past weekend ... hah! ... but life's been shooting stuff at me like a tennis ball machine. Is anyone playing #SeagullButtSaturday anymore?

Another snap from Trey's recent #LAphotowalk in Santa Monica. It was fun watching these boys chase seagulls. As always, much fun and great people! Too funny, that I left my primary camera at home by accident (too rushed! ... ;oD), but had my second camera with me (the one I don't like as much ... heheh). It's the camera you have with you, though, so I had fun anyway.

The rest of my (small) album is here:

#California #SunsetPhotography #Sunset #Travel #TravelPhotography #Sky #SantaMonica #SouthernCalifornia

#rgwoodpost #photography #googleplusphotos
Please feel free to ask me, if you would like any of my images
available for print, or visit me at

Up, up and away

Up, up and away

They were having, what they called, a "silent concert" on the beach that day. They would play music on a piano and handed out about 100 headphones so that people could listen to it. Very interesting! These balloons marked the concert area (and they were up high and HUGE; about 3 feet wide, I'm guessing).

Another snap from Trey's recent #LAphotowalk in Santa Monica. As always, much fun and great people! Too funny, that I left my primary camera at home by accident (too rushed! ... ;oD), but had my second camera with me (the one I don't like as much ... heheh). It's the camera you have with you, though, so I had fun anyway.

The rest of my (small) album is here:

#California #SunsetPhotography #Sunset #Travel #TravelPhotography #Sky #SantaMonica #SouthernCalifornia

#rgwoodpost #photography #googleplusphotos
Please feel free to ask me, if you would like any of my images
available for print, or visit me at

Another snap from Trey's recent #LAphotowalk in Santa Monica. Asalways, much fun and great people! Too funny, that I left my primarycamera at home by accident (too rushed! ... ;oD), but had my secondcamera with me (the one I don't like as much ... heheh). It's thecamera you have with you, though, so I had fun anyway.

Another snap from Trey's recent #LAphotowalk in Santa Monica. As always, much fun and great people! Too funny, that I left my primary camera at home by accident (too rushed! ... ;oD), but had my second camera with me (the one I don't like as much ... heheh). It's the camera you have with you, though, so I had fun anyway.

The rest of my (small) album is here:

#LandscapePhotography with thanks to Margaret Tompkins Eric Drumm Chandler L. Walker Krzysztof Felczak Jeff Beddow H Peter Ji Dorma Wiggin Landscape Photography

#California #SunsetPhotography #Sunset #Travel #TravelPhotography #Sky #SantaMonica #SouthernCalifornia

#rgwoodpost #photography #googleplusphotos
Please feel free to ask me, if you would like any of my images
available for print, or visit me at

I went down to Santa Monica on Saturday to meet up with some folks atTrey Ratcliff's #LAphotowalk. As always, much fun and great people! Toofunny, that I left my primary camera at home by accident (toorushed! ... ;oD), but had my second camera with me (the one I don'tlike as much ... heheh). It's the camera you have with you, though, soI had fun anyway.

I went down to Santa Monica on Saturday to meet up with some folks at Trey Ratcliff's #LAphotowalk. As always, much fun and great people! Too funny, that I left my primary camera at home by accident (too rushed! ... ;oD), but had my second camera with me (the one I don't like as much ... heheh). It's the camera you have with you, though, so I had fun anyway.

#LandscapePhotography with thanks to Margaret Tompkins Eric Drumm Chandler L. Walker Krzysztof Felczak Jeff Beddow H Peter Ji Dorma Wiggin Landscape Photography
#hqsplandscape #BTPLandscapePro BTP Landscape Pro #California #SunsetPhotography #Sunset #Travel #TravelPhotography #Sky #SantaMonica #SouthernCalifornia

#rgwoodpost #photography #googleplusphotos
Please feel free to ask me, if you would like any of my images
available for print, or visit me at

A little warbler that took refuge in my garden.

A little warbler that took refuge in my garden.
A nice sign of hope after the harrowing events of this past few days ... #ThingsThatMakeMeSmile
For those that have been sending kind messages, here's the update: the fire is at a wonderful 30% containment now, after the short bit of rain we had and cooler temperatures from Tropical Storm Lidia down south. Amen! Firefighters re confident that they can get it to 100% containment in a few days. Yeah!

#Backyardbirdingmonday #rgwoodpost #photography #googleplusphotos
Please feel free to ask me, if you would like any of my images available for print, or visit me at → www.robingriggswood.com


I was virtually sleepless last night as a fire raged less than 2 miles away. Praying for folks who were closer to it; praying that the wind didn't change or grow stronger. Last night I went to a high point to keep vigil, watching the blaze overtake an old stand of trees on the crest of the inferno enveloped mountain above my home. My mountain; my trees. I'd hiked, jogged, biked and ran up to the top of that mountain hundreds of times in my life and rested in the shade of those old trees. I cried last night as I watched the flames overtake them.

At 6 A.M. this morning, I awoke from a restless nap and went outside to see if my mountain was overcome. A "Super Scooper" plane passed directly above me, arced towards the mountain and dropped a load on the charred and still smoldering crest. They had worked through the night to keep the flames at bay. We're not out of danger yet––the fire is only 10% contained and there are still many homes in it's wake––but I am so thankful for these men.


I 💜 U

I 💜 U
Where does the time go?!
I just wanted to send out a little love to my #bokehlicious #bokeholics buddies with a little yarrow (Achillea millefolium 'Song Siren - Layla') that decided to make a heart from it's floral art. ... and a happy weekend to all! I hope life is treating you well ... 💕

#FridaysAreBokehlicious  :o) … ˚ºoOoº˚
With a nod and grin to those sundry #bokehlicious #bokeholics (that may rival the non-curator list of a certain non-theme! … ;o7)
Leo Deegan Art through the Aperture Photography Sean McLean Shelly Corbett Betty Habesch Kal Pant Elizabeth Hahn Michael B. Stuart Paul Moody Toshinori ABE Winnie Young Graham Knights Keith Elliott Jacek N. Kozioł Jasbir S. Randhawa Darion Jackman John Balboni April L Hill Shannon Adelson Dylan Johnson Shelly Gunderson Robin Griggs Wood Kathleen Kent Angie Smith John Getchel Uwe Duwe Magdalena MadZ Wendy Baker Dawn Siadatan wolly wolly Berit Schurse Tom Tran Eve Aebi Isabelle Fortin Cooksterz Littlefield Chris Draper Wendy Verboom Janice LaMere cobalt please Saji Saju Rosie Nixon Joseph Cowlishaw Marilou Aballe

#rgwoodpost #photography #googleplusphotos
Please feel free to ask me, if you would like any of my images
available for print, or visit me at

#Friday #TGIF #naturephotography #FloralFriday #FlowerFriday #flowerphotography #floralphotography #hqspflowers #btpflowerpro BTP Flower Pro
#btpmacropro BTP Macro Pro #hqspmacro #Macro4All #MacroManiacs #macrophotography #MacroAddict